We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction.
Method Development
Analytical Innovations have extensive experience of developing new analytical methods, both in terms of sample preparation and subsequent analysis. Our development services encompass both one-off methods for specific problem solving or methods suitable for validation and routine analysis.
Troubleshooting + Characterisation
Analytical Innovations possess both the know-how and the instrumentation to assist companies with their analytical troubleshooting requirements, for example, the identification of unknown peaks, isolated impurity characterisation and root-cause analysis of manufacturing failures.
Validation + Routine Analysis
Analytical Innovations can provide method validation services to ICH guidelines and, if necessary, technical transfer of the validated method into the customer's laboratory. We can also provide routine analytical services with flexible turnaround times to meet the customers' specific requirements.
All the chemical analysis services you need, all in one place.
We offer a wide range of analytical services to meet every type of need
- Agilent 1290 Infinity II UPLC + 6550 QTOF
This high-end mass spectrometric technique is ideally suited to unknown peak identification or chemometric comparison of samples in complex sample matrices.
- Agilent 1290 Infinity II UPLC + 6945 QQQ -
Offers highly selective, highly sensitive (ppb - ppt) analysis of organic compounds in both simple and complex sample matrices.
- Agilent 8890 + 5977 MS -
Used for the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds using either liquid or headspace sample introduction. Suitable for both sensitive and selective quantitation or unknown identification through comparison of the sample mass spectra with the NIST GC-MS database. Flame ionisation detection is also available for applications that don't require MS detection.
Variety of Agilent HPLC instrumentation with Diode-Array UV/Vis (DAD), Evaporative Light Scattering (ELSD) and Refractive Index (RI) detection options. Provides multiple options for the analysis and quantitation of a wide-range of organic compounds, including those which lack a chromophore.
Ion Chromatography (IC)- Metrohm 881 IC allows the sensitive analysis of Group I and Group II metals, a wide range of anions and short-chain organic amines and carboxylic acids.
ICP-MS- Agilent 7900 ICP-MS -
Used for highly sensitive, quantitative analysis of most elements in the periodic table. Microwave digestion is also available for the preparation of samples that are difficult to solubilise.
Registered Office: The Watermill, Wheatley Park, Mirfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, WF14 8HE